Preston James Reveals His #1 Secret to Becoming a Better Trader:

Hint: It’s Not a Trading Strategy...

It’s a Process Created by the Person He Trusts More than Anyone in the World

Hi, I’m Mike Curtis...

I’m one of the industry’s leading trading mentors, Chief Operations Officer of Trader’s Edge, and Preston’s “right-hand man”...

And if you’ve ever wondered why some traders succeed — and become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams...

... while others get mediocre results — or even lose badly...

And if you’ve struggled to grow your account — to produce the level of income for the lifestyle you want...

And especially, if you’ve tried all sorts of expert strategies and systems, but NOTHING works consistently...

Then this will be the most important page you ever read.

Because you’re about to see how the shocking departure of a top trading teacher...

Led to the Discovery of a Breakthrough New Approach for Accelerating Your Trading Skills, Income and Wealth

You see, most aspiring traders spend years, trying EVERYTHING — burning thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars... without growing their account ONE DOLLAR.

You probably had that same experience — until you found Preston and his Money Press Method.

That said, even with Preston’s track record during his 6-month live trading experiment… where he used JUST ONE STRATEGY to produce:

13 winners, 1 slight loser… a 93% win rate...

A total average return of 151% across all trades...

$130,870 profits or $4,362 per week...

Which by the way this was 15.9X the S&P 500 (9.5%) during that same timeframe...

And even with as easy as he makes it for people with his teaching and trade alerts...

Many people don’t see maximum results until they address one problem that ruins more trading dreams than anything else.

This is the REAL ROOT CAUSE of most trading failures — because it causes you to take on bad information — while cutting you off from the support you so desperately need at the beginning of your journey.

Until you fix this one root cause, you’ll never maximize your trading returns...

How do I know? Because...

I Was Preston’s #1 Student... The Only Problem?


Before I met Preston, I’d tried over a dozen different trading approaches.

A couple worked once in a while... but most were complete shams.

So you can imagine when I found Preston teaching a method — Money Press — that actually WORKED.

Over the next year, I poured everything into learning his secrets... and soon became Preston’s star and #1 student.

My performance was so good, I considered quitting my job.

I thought I would become a full-time trader — that was until...

Preston Offered Me a Life-Changing Job

Preston wanted me to help him teach others Money Press.

He was already maxed out in his ability to teach...

And many people who came into his programs wanted “hands-on” mentoring.

At the time, I was the only person he trusted to deliver this at the level that he felt his students deserved.

So I became his lead mentor and “right-hand man” in helping change the lives of hundreds... and eventually THOUSANDs of traders.

I was in heaven.

Trading was my passion... and here I was teaching a proven trading system alongside my mentor.

That’s When Preston Dropped Another Bomb on Me

“Mike, I need your help,” he said one day after calling me into his office.

“Business is booming. With the performance we’re seeing, people can’t get enough of Money Press and our programs.”

“The only problem is... I need someone to help me with more than just trading. I need help running the company.

You’re the only one I trust to do that.”

And just like that, I was taken away from mentoring and became Preston’s “right-hand man” in operations...

We launched new programs, sold out LIVE events, and expanded to helping almost 10,000 traders all over the world.

It was all WILDLY successful.

Trust me, I’m not complaining...

But I’ll be honest: a BIG part of me missed being “hands-on” with trading.

How the Sudden Departure of a Mentor Created a HUGE New Opportunity

Over the years, we’d found some truly extraordinary mentors to help us with the trading programs.

Most went smoothly and delivered incredible results for members.

But in one of those programs, the lead mentor in charge had to leave suddenly...

This mentor’s program was very popular, leaving a big void for us to fill.

There was no way to go through our normal process of searching for an extraordinary teacher to step in...

That’s when Preston said, “Mike, why don’t YOU take it over?

“Business is running smoothly now — and I know you miss teaching. Go for it!”

So just like that, I returned to my first love: MENTORING TRADERS AND HELPING THEM SUCCEED.

Only this time, I was determined to solve the biggest problem I’d seen traders face...

Why the “Circle of Confusion” Robs You of Trading Profits

I’ve worked more 1-on-1 with traders than anyone I know...

And in that process, I’ve learned that there’s often a type of isolation that happens...

... something I call the “circle of confusion”...

... which sabotages trading success more than any other factor because:

  • When you’re on your own and don’t know who to trust — you get confused and use the WRONG information or strategies to trade... and...
  • You don’t have the support or collaboration needed to “course correct” or ramp up your winners...

The “circle of confusion” cuts you off from the two things you need to win your trades — the right information and the right people around you.

It’s blown up more trading accounts than anything else I’ve seen over the years.

So what’s the solution?

The Profit Power of the Mastermind Effect

Again — to consistently profit as a trader, you need two things: the right information and the right people around you.

Specifically, you need a dedicated group of others who are on the same path. Ideally more experienced than you are.

That’s the power of what business leaders call “the mastermind effect.”

It’s when a group of individuals comes together with a shared goal and passion to help each other reach their objectives faster.

One of the defining elements of “the mastermind effect” is that the synergy of the group is FAR greater than the sum of the individuals on their own.

There is an exponential growth element to this process — meaning you become a MUCH better trader, far faster.

Because when you get the right information and the right people together, it’s truly magic.

I’ve seen this so often that when Preston invited me to return to teaching... it was obvious what I was going to create: the ultimate trading mastermind group.

That’s Why I’m Thrilled to Introduce...

Mike’s Mastermind Project

This is a breakthrough monthly program where you will leverage the synergy of some of the top trading minds in the world — and their combined 100s of years of success — along with my own training skills and the mastermind effect.

Mike’s Mastermind Project is the culmination of everything I’ve learned while mentoring hundreds of traders to success... and networking with many of the top trading minds alive.

This is the result of being on the “front lines” for over 15 years — surrounded by the “best of the best”: Preston, John Najarian, the founders of Options Express, TradeMonster, and more.

This is the program that I wish I had when I first started — because it would have helped me grow my account so much sooner.

Each Month, MMP Members Will Get Access To:

Thursday Weekly Webinar With A Top Expert Or Me

(Including Replays)

Here, you’ll be guided into becoming a better trader — step-by-step. I am leveraging my “insider” connections to round up a world-class group of trading experts who will reveal their BEST strategies for options trading, account growth, risk protection, and more.

NOTE: if you miss any webinar, you can always log into the member’s area and access the replay.

Some of the experts have already blown the entire community away with what they shared. And we plan on pushing the bar higher each month to truly bring in some of the best trading minds in the game.

Membership Website with Exclusive Training Library

To ensure that you don’t just “learn” these new strategies and breakthroughs, we’re also going to be converting many of the best secrets shared into actual step-by-step video training that will go into our members-only library.

This will allow you to go right to the heart of what will move the needle most on your trading performance, grow your account, and speed your retirement.

Our Mastermind Effect Private “Q&A Forum”

You have questions... we have answers. And now, you’ll be able to connect, share, and get answers to pressing questions from your fellow mastermind members, mentors like Brandon, and me — all in one place.

This isn’t like a traditional trading “forum”... rather, it’s designed to leverage the mastermind effect to solve problems for you and support you in becoming a better, more profitable trader.

We’ll even have a dedicated area for the experts to participate and interact with you following their talks.

New Trading Strategies, Secrets and Sometimes LIVE TRADES that Even Preston Doesn’t Talk About

One of the advantages of this Mastermind is that we move, FAST.

Of course, you’ll gain a better understanding of Preston’s core strategies, like Money Press...

But we’ll also introduce you to NEW strategies that Preston has never shared before.

For instance, one of the top performers in our group is Stella — who has been trading successfully since the 90s and built a beach house with her trading profits…

She shares her “Holiday Money Moves” that works on Thanksgiving, Xmas, and other major holidays… and has been historically proven to be profitable for an astonishing 26 years in a row…

Then you have Brandon — one of our top mentors — and his “Popcorn Profits” strategy — which has the potential to consistently produce quick money, overnight…

And because we move fast — sometimes we’ll even share LIVE TRADES in real-time with the group (not always, but when warranted).

This is all because I want to make this the most dynamic and potentially profitable experience possible for you and other mastermind members.

It’s also why we barely opened the doors and already students are saying things like this about the MMP:

So Good!!

“It gives us motivation to actually pull the trigger, I feel many of us out here have the "am I making a mistake thought, if I pull this trigger" I guess that's probably "scared to fail"... I love the additional personalities you have brought on with their thoughts and Information - - SO GOOD!!!

Looking Forward to Many More

“Great insights and information and of course my mentor MIKE! Looking forward to many more!!

I Love the WOW But I Look at this as an Additional Way to Learn

“I really like Stella and learning how other successful traders work. I really like how you are making this a little different from the WOW. I love the WOW but looked at this as an additional way to learn.”

Designed to Transform Your Trading & Income Forever

So what does it cost to join Mike’s Mastermind Project?

I can tell you what you’re NOT going to pay for this...

You’re not going to pay anywhere near what others have told us these secrets are worth.

Because according to what initial MMP members have told me personally, it would have cost them $5,000... $10,000... sometimes even more for this experience and level of access to top trading minds — if purchased elsewhere.

But you’re NOT going to pay anywhere near that much to learn all of this...

We already know that many of our members are already investing in Money Press, WOW Insider, and other programs.

So we set out to make Mike’s Mastermind Project the perfect compliment to those other programs — without breaking the bank.

Our Goal Is to Create Hundreds of New Mastermind Success Stories

And now it’s your turn to become our next one.

As you consider the opportunity to be our next epic success story, keep some things in mind:

Time is precious.

After all, the longer you wait, the more precious time ticks away.

Already, members of this mastermind are jumping in... joining the webinars... getting new trade ideas... and taking profits.

This program is fast-paced and focused on deep immersion, with no expert pitching.

You’ll get NEW information and know-how from top minds generating millions of dollars in actual live trading...

And you’ll get the group support and collaboration needed to eliminate the “circle of confusion” — and break the cycle that kills your performance.

This program is fast-paced and focused on deep immersion, with no expert pitching.

You’ll get NEW information and know-how from top minds generating millions of dollars in actual live trading...

And you’ll get the group support and collaboration needed to eliminate the “circle of confusion” — and break the cycle that kills your performance.

And Now It’s Time For You To Decide If You’re Going to Do What All Millionaire Traders Do...

The choice is yours…

Do you want to get there in 2-4 years, or likely never (on your own)...

Or do you want to leverage the power of the “mastermind effect” to reach your desired income and account size MUCH FASTER?

Your investment to be part of Mike’s Mastermind Project is just $79 per month (if you’re already a member of WOW Insider)...

Or it’s $149 per month — if you’re not.

Either way, it’s an absolute steal — considering this is what many other trading programs charge thousands of dollars for.

And, of course, you can cancel anytime should you decide it’s not right for you.

To get started, simply click the button below and begin the 1-minute application process.

My MMP “Love It or Don’t Pay” Money-Back Guarantee

I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that every single person who joins this exclusive group is going to become rich.

For one reason, not everyone takes action.

What I can guarantee is that if you join Mike’s Mastermind Project, you will become a better trader and reach mastery much faster — using the very same techniques and strategies that have made Preston, me, and his top students so successful.

So I’m giving you every assurance that if you join MMP today... and in the highly unlikely event that you don’t love it (for any reason at all)… if you don’t see how much more profit it can help you generate...

Just let us know and you’ll get your last month’s membership fee fully refunded.

What that means is... say you’re in for 3 months and decide you no longer want to continue. Beyond being able to cancel anytime — you can also request a refund of your most recent month’s membership fee.

We’ve never had that happen — but this is me putting my money where my mouth is and delivering the best possible training experience, risk protection, and value.

Will some people take advantage of this generous offer and refund? Sure. But I trust you.

Plus, I’m SO CONFIDENT in how much we are already overdelivering for members of MMP... I fully anticipate you’ll want to remain a member for many months or even years to come.

Joining the MMP Is the Fastest Way to Become a More Confident, Profitable Trader

So click below and join me in Mike’s Mastermind Project.

This shouldn’t be a hard decision.

This is going to make sure you actually get even better results from Preston’s trades... NEW strategies... access to cutting-edge information from top traders...

... and the group support you need to absolutely THRIVE in your trading.

It’s the most effective way to become a better trader... a more confident trader... ultimately, a richer and more successful trader.

You know better trading is the key to the income, freedom, and life you’ve always wanted...

We’re here to help support you in the realization of that dream.

You can “go it alone” and try to do all the work by yourself…

...or leverage the “mastermind effect” to have more of the work done for you.

Become a Radically Better Trader In Just 4 Hours Each Month

That’s the amount of time it takes to join us on the weekly webinars...

Sure, you can do more...

You can do additional training to enhance your trading skills...

You can hop onto the forum to get your questions answered and problems solved...

You can learn highly profitable new strategies, like Stella’s “Holiday Money Moves” or Brandon’s “Popcorn Profits”...

... and you can do it ALL for a fraction of the work and time - and get to bigger money, FASTER.

But really, just four hours a month is all it takes to transform your trading...

So if you’re truly serious about generating life-changing trading income... and turning your account into a nest egg that sets you free...

This should be the ultimate no-brainer.

You already know exactly what to do.

Simply click below and join Mike’s Mastermind Project...

All you need to do is simply show up for just a few hours a month...

... and I’ll do my part, making this the best trading training experience you’ve ever had.

Do that now, click the button below...

And I hope to see you on the inside.


Mike Curtis

Preston’s “Right Hand Man”

COO of Trader’s Edge

Here's Everything You're Getting If You Join Into

Mike’s Mastermind Project

PLUS our no-risk 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee and Our Unconditional Refund Policy

Thursday Weekly Webinar With A Top Expert Or Me (Includes 24/7 Replay Access)

Here, you’ll be guided into becoming a better trader — step-by-step. I am leveraging my “insider” connections to round up a world-class group of trading experts who will reveal their BEST strategies for options trading, account growth, risk protection, and more.

VALUE: $197.00

Membership Website with Exclusive Training Library

To ensure that you don’t just “learn” these new strategies and breakthroughs, we’re also going to be converting many of the best secrets shared into actual step-by-step video training that will go into our exclusive training library.

VALUE: $197.00

Our Mastermind Effect Private “Q&A Forum”

Not your usual trading forum. This is a game-changing experience where you’ll be able to connect, share, and get answers to pressing questions from your fellow mastermind members, mentors like Brandon, and me — all in one place.

VALUE: $197.00



for “WOW Insiders”

Or $149 If You’re Not (75-87% OFF Either Way!)


Backed By Our 365-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee And Our Unconditional Refund Policy

© 2022 MIKE’S MASTERMIND PROJECT All Rights Reserved

13 winners, 1 slight loser… a 93% win rate...

A total average return of 151% across all trades...

$130,870 profits or $4,362 per week...

Which by the way this was 15.9X the S&P 500 (9.5%) during that same timeframe...

And even with as easy as he makes it for people with his teaching and trade alerts...

Many people don’t see maximum results until they address one problem that ruins more trading dreams than anything else.

This is the REAL ROOT CAUSE of most trading failures — because it causes you to take on bad information — while cutting you off from the support you so desperately need at the beginning of your journey.

Until you fix this one root cause, you’ll never maximize your trading returns...

How do I know? Because...